Instead it is most commonly used for rapid prototyping and small-batch production of custom parts. The 3D printed mold acts as a vehicle for liquid which then hardens inside during the casting process resulting in the desired structure also referred to as the casting making the terminology a bit confusing. Lost Pla Casting From 3d Prints Our Skilled Engineers Have Over A Decade Of Mold Design And Analysis Experience. . Making identical parts from a 3D printer mold is simply faster and more practical if you want to churn out multiple copies. Our Skilled Engineers Have Over A Decade Of Mold Design And Analysis Experience. Much like Sylatech Siemens uses 3D printers to print prototypes which are eventually used to create molds for casting steel. Glass Stanford bunnies with some fun textures. Part 1 Printing 3D Models for Casting. Make sure to place these molds in sand - they can break in casting and the sand will protect the